Do you have a next generation operating model to succeed in the Intelligent Digital Ecosystem?

The "Intelligent Digital Ecosystem" describes the modern business landscape where agility, resilience, AI, and sustainability are demanding priorities.

Business leaders are focused on adapting to mounting pressure from the ongoing effects of the pandemic, the rising frequency of natural disasters, changing consumer preferences, investment criteria, and regulatory changes. Priorities have changed to include:

    • Resilience and Agility: Increasing digitalisation to reduce friction and improve visibility, leveraging AI and other digital technologies to create agile, resilient, and sustainable business operations. This enables companies to adapt quickly to changes, anticipate disruptions, and make decisions based on real-time data.
    • Sustainability Drivers: Collaborating across the value chain to achieve net zero or cut emissions, remove waste, and meet compliance obligations. Integrating advanced technologies and sustainable practices in a connected, agile, and resilient business environment represents a shift towards intelligent, data-driven decision-making and sustainable business models in the digital age.
    • Business Model Innovation: Achieving higher levels of business interoperability, trust, and transparency to uncover new opportunities and grow market share. This involves driving business model innovation by integrating advanced technologies and sustainable practices, ensuring that companies can adapt to the evolving landscape and maintain long-term viability.

How well can you engage your trading partners in the pursuit of sustainability goals (it's a teamsport)?

How well can you overcome the barriers?

Who's your digital change agent?

Find Out More

Who we are

We are an Australian Company established to bring subject matter expertise and intellectual property to help improve the success rate of transformative initiatives. Our staff have global expertise and a solid track record for successful delivery of high profile programmes under the banner of top global consulting firms!

Our Vision

Our vision is centered on the belief that digital transformation is not just about technology, but about driving fundamental change throughout an organization and its interactions with external stakeholders. We understand that digital transformation is a complex and multi-faceted challenge that requires addressing strategic positioning, operating models, and the extended supply chain. Additionally, we recognize that economy-wide interoperability of natural business systems is essential to increasing participation in the digital economy, driving resilience and sustainability improvements, fostering growth across all sectors, and paving the way for widespread adoption of future digital business initiatives.

Our Services

Our range of strategy, design and trusted advisory services covers:

    • Supply chain digital transformation
    • Integrated Business Planning with sustainability at the core
    • Sustainable procurement - strengthening the foundations
    • Practical steps to building resilience and sustainability
    • Whole of economy or ecosystem standards initiatives
    • End to end traceability
    • Digital interoperability, Supply Chain Business Networks and advanced B2B integration
    • Supply chain standards
    • New sustainability offerings will be announced soon

About Us

LXN and Associates Pty Ltd is an Australian Company established to bring subject matter expertise and intellectual property to help improve the success rate of digital transformation programs. Our staff have had global expertise and a solid track record for successful delivery of high profile programmes under the banner of top global consulting firms.

Founded in 2016 by a thought leader on accelerated delivery of high impact and innovative programmes our brand independence means we are wholly committed to our clients’ outcomes yet lean extensively on our global network.

Our Approach

Our conscious approach in bringing about positive change for our clients’ stakeholders and constituents is backed by a holistic view to digital transformation, business enablement and continuous value alignment.

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation as we know it today is more than turning paper into digital formats or improving channels of business integration and interaction. Our staff have had first-hand experience with how digital transformation has evolved into a more holistic approach in shaping many aspects of the enterprise, such as

    • Uplifting customer/constituent experience (seamless and wherever, whenever service delivery)
    • Business model innovation (operating model transformation including competencies, activities, processes & automation, organizational structure and infrastructure)
    • Digital marketing (more effective use of digital channels to market/raise awareness and capture mindshare amidst significant media and news feeds)
    • Governance (improved decision support and risk mitigation through advanced use of information management and analytics)

Business Enablement

A key success factor on every engagement is business enablement. Our preferred consulting approach is to work with client staff so that any strategy, plan or deliverable is created in conjunction with client staff so that it is well understood and accepted. The approach yields a more positive result, reduces the risk of a deliverable not meeting client expectations and has a greater chance of being executed by the client, resulting in a win-win for all.

Continuous Value Alignment

We have a seasoned approach to continuous value alignment for assessing organisational and program performance along the following dimensions

    • Business alignment – are the right parts of the business aligned with the overall business direction and is the business investment portfolio focused in the right areas?
    • Capability alignment – does the business have the right organizational capability in terms of organisation structure, business process, resources and supporting infrastructure to effectively and efficiently deliver on its mission?
    • Outcomes alignment – is the business delivering on its outcomes, are the benefits being realised?

Our staff have provided thought leadership and delivery expertise on several high profile programs of national significance.

Solution Offerings

Need a Partner and Solution Right for Your Business? We can help match you with the right fit.

Integrated Business Planning with Sustainability Integrated Business Planning (IBP) with Sustainability moves beyond compliance to plan for long-term business viability. The fusion of IBP with sustainability ensures strategic control, alignment, and coordination across all business areas. It addresses the challenge of siloed departments, promoting a culture of integrated decision-making crucial for sustainability strategies. Effective IBP embeds sustainability into the core of business processes, aligning various departments under a unified plan and ensuring every business decision supports sustainability objectives. This holistic approach is essential for balancing financial, operational, and sustainability decisions, thus embedding sustainability into the operational DNA of the organization.
Sustainable Procurement Sustainable Procurement shifts purchasing decisions to prioritise environmental and social factors alongside financial considerations, driving innovation, improving market access, and fostering supplier relationships. It is the cornerstone for its broad applicability, immediate benefits, and strategic importance. Its flexibility and marketability make it an ideal starting point for businesses at any sustainability maturity level, promising both immediate and long-term impacts. It also happens to be the gateway for gathering ESG-related data from the value chain, establishing foundations for more advanced sustainability practices.
Situational Awareness Control towers are essential supply chain management composite applications providing end-to-end visibility and enabling real-time monitoring, decision-making, and coordination across the supply chain network. Designed to process vast amounts of real-time, structured and unstructured, internal and external data they are vital for situational awareness (SENSE, ANALYSE, and RESOLVE). Advanced analytics, actionable workflows and artificial intelligence help to quickly identify and resolve critical supply chain issues, reducing the disruption response time and therefore increasing resilience.
Traceability End-to-end traceability is essential for modern digital supply chains, enhancing visibility, reducing business friction, and improving resilience. It reduces inefficiencies, improves inventory management, builds brand trust, ensures product safety and quality, detects fraud, reduces wastage, supports sustainability, and meets regulatory compliance. These benefits make traceability crucial for achieving supply chain transparency and sustainability goals while enhancing overall business performance.
ESG Data Exchange ESG Data Exchange: Businesses face a complex challenge with collecting Scope 3 data for compliance and ambitious sustainability goals, necessitating a unified approach to data exchange. This strategic shift aims to streamline sustainability reporting and data collection, making efforts more efficient, cost-effective, and aligned with global targets. By embedding detailed emissions related data within the full chain of custody, businesses can capture and communicate essential data points accurately, fostering transparency and accountability across the value chain.
Business Intelligence Comprehensive solutions that corral disparate data streams, easily integrate with multiple systems, automate data preparation processes and provide standardized views across systems, enabling your enterprise to convert data into meaningful insights.
Customs Customs compliance at a click captures and digitizes information and adds efficiency and accuracy, ensuring customs compliance and accurate data. Solve or mitigate the risk of fines, detention of goods, storage charges, legal issues, friction and delays throughout your global supply chain.
Inventory Management Ensure your enterprise has the right products and the right quantities at the right time in the right places. Unify your data silos, pulling together disparate data streams in real time from B2B, retail stores, eCommerce/direct-to-customer, marketplaces, carriers, 3PLs, even returns.
Manufacturing Increase production at older factories; build on greenfield or brownfield sites to take advantage of nearshoring, reshoring and friendshoring opportunities; add capacity to undo backlogs; or get that factory revamp that has gone off the rails back on schedule.
Sourcing & Procurement Our Partners empower you to develop and keep a robust supplier network for parts and products, a network that secures competitive pricing, reliability and takes advantage of deglobalization, nearshoring, reshoring and friendshoring.
Strategy Partner your executive team with experts who have developed customized, agile and executable supply chain strategies for the largest companies on the planet – strategies that enable true value creation.
Supply Chain Finance What would 10 incremental days of outstanding payables do for your balance sheet and liquidity – without having to fund it yourself? Turn sales orders, purchase orders, logistics shipments and payment transactions into liquidity.

Transportation & Freight Forwarding Solve the complexity and capacity issues that skyrocket costs, curtail service levels and damage your brand’s reputation. Plug your enterprise into networks for seamless ground transport in Europe/North America and foreign-to-foreign service across the globe.
Warehousing, Distribution & Fulfillment Delighting your customers requires a distribution network and execution partners that match your customer demand, customer footprint and growth potential. Don’t let costly delivery and poor service levels send your customers looking elsewhere.
Real Estate Develop the right strategy – and find the right sites – for your industrial facilities, whether you need support for reshoring or nearshoring manufacturing, unichannel distribution or fulfillment and specialty warehousing.
Freight Audit & Pay 5%-10% of freight and parcel invoices are billed incorrectly each year. Ensure these complex processes are billed correctly and save anywhere from 3% to 40%. All enterprises benefit from solid pre- and post-auditing.
Labor Services From warehouse staffing to call center operations, match with the right Partners for scalable solutions that maximize productivity, minimize risk and drive profitability.
Packaging Optimization Ship less air. Save 10-25% in freight costs, plus labor and packaging savings. ROIs often range from 400% to 600% and can top 1,000%.
Reverse Logistics Brands and 3PLS must offer your customers easy returns. This seamless platform manages the entire returns lifecycle, reporting real-time Business Intelligence analytics.

Artificial Intelligence Separate reality from all the hype with vetted Artificial Intelligence solutions that improve operational efficiency, automate repetitive tasks, augment human capabilities, reduce human error and free up valuable time and resources so your enterprise can stay ahead of the competition.
Digital Enablement Integrate advanced technologies and digital solutions, including Digital Supply Networks and control towers, to transform traditional business models and unlock unprecedented opportunities for your enterprise. Move from today’s subscription-based economy to the automated economy.
Port Operations Complete technology solutions for ports and terminals, including but not limited to terminal operating systems, port community systems, terminal IoT systems and automated gate systems based on advanced video analytics. Connect in real time with all your trading partners.
Supply Chain Visibility End-to-end supply chain visibility that covers SaaS solutions and the option to connect with complete execution services. Knowing where your products are and when and where they will arrive in real time is the only way to make intelligent decisions.
TMS Connect with cloud-native TMS solutions that centralize, streamline and optimize your logistics operations in today’s complex B2B, B2C and DTC environment. Guarantee the right transportation mode and carrier for best cost and stellar service levels that will keep your customers coming back.
WMS Stuck with manual warehouse processes? Does your warehouse management system (WMS) stick you with inaccurate inventory, order processing delays and limited operational visibility? Stuck paying for 20 modules when you only need 2?
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